Name and Surname: Mükerrem Fatma ILKISIK


UNIVERSITY :(1970- 1975) Istanbul Technical University ;Faculty of Engineering and Architecture,Civil Engineering Department,BSc

MASTER DEGREE :(1977-1979) Yildiz Technical University ,CiviI Engineering Faculty

DOCTORAL DEGREE :(1982-1988)I.T.U,Institute of Science and Tecnology,Ocean Engineering Programme


1975-1977:Project Engineering;

1979-1988:Research Assistant, I.T.U,Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering ;

1988-1990:Assistant Professor, I.T.U,Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering ;

1990-1993:Associate Professor, IT.U,Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

1993-1996:Associate Professor, IT.U ,Maritime Faculty

1996-1997:Professor,Vice Dean, Kocaeli University,Technical Education Faculty 1997-1999:Professor,Dean Dogus University,Faculty of Arts and Science

1999-2000: Director, IT.U ,Maritime Faculty,Vocational school

2000-2007:Professor,Mersin merchant marine academy

Publications:(in citation index)

M.ILKISIK,T.SABUNCU;Hydrodynamic coefficients for vertical axis elliptical cylinders in finite depth,1981 Imaem,Italy

M.ILKISIK,K.KAFALI;The surge motion of a circular cylinder containing a concentric cylindrical hole in finite depth ;1986,Ocean Engng.Vol 13 ,Number 4

M.ILKISIK;Overview problems in coastal regions in Turkey,1986,The Netherlands

M.ILKISIK;Hull frame solutions is evaluated with BIRO methods;1989,Llyods

M.ILKISIK;Hydrodynamic forces for vertical axis elliptical cylinders in finite depth;1996,Varna,Bulgaria

1999- Translation of International Maritime Organization’s(IMO) Codes

2000-Some specifications for Rescue and Salvage Administration

2000-2006 ,2009Translation of International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS) and amendments,Consolidated edition 2001,2002,2004 ,2009(593,614pages)

2005-2007Translation of International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships(MARPOL 73/78),Consolidated Edition 2002 , 2005(511 pages) and 2006

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